Strength in Service: Doubling Capacity, Doubling Commitment
Building on a Clark/Kjos' emergency department (ED) project completed fifteen years prior, the newest expansion extends the central core of staff work and support. Staff is centered for surveillance and short paths to treatment rooms and support resources. Doubling the number of treatment beds to 22 serves a growing need for ED services, including a Fast-Track area for lower-acuity patients, and space for observation patients. A new check in and family waiting area at this ‘second front door to the hospital’ greatly enhances the community’s experience and confidence in Samaritan Lebanon Community Hospital.
The existing department continued to function during the expansion and remodel through careful coordination between CKA, the general contractor and owner.

Waiting Lounge and Admitting
Medical and Surgical Inpatient Beds
Staff Lounge
Expanded Emergency Patient Care Areas